Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Dumpling Divas 2011

This past weekend was the annual Dumpling Divas Sister Weekend! What in the world is that, you ask? Well, I'll tell you! Ten years ago, my aunts and my mom decided we should all get together every year in July, around my grandmother's birthday, and just spend time with one another. So, every summer, my mom, her 3 sisters, me and my 2 sisters, my mom's stepmom and sometimes her sister, and varied best friends and in-laws get together and spend time reconnecting to one another and our history. Our name comes from the absolutely-to-die-for-delicious dumplings my great grandmother, MomMc, used to make. We've done different things throughout the years. Year one was the Willie Nelson concert in Dallas. We went to Galveston one year; we stayed in Sulphur, OK. 3 years; we even walked down the brick street and took pictures at the monument in Wills Point, and this year we got hotel rooms in Dallas and kept it simple! We didn't do much of anything special, but it doesn't even matter! I love my "Sisters!" We can lay around hotel rooms chatting or sit in the lobby watching the news for hours and it really doesn't matter! The absolute only thing missing is my grandma. It is always bittersweet for me.  I'm sure it's even more so for my mom and her sisters. But one thing is consistent and it is the sole reason I will do anything and everything I have to to make sure I am there each and every year. Every year I go home knowing what kind of incredibly strong and resilient women I come from. The things my mom and her sisters have been through would cause a lot people to buckle and fold. Not my family! They are survivors and I take so much strength and hope for the future from them. They have taught me how to laugh through adversity and to lean on my family when I can't stand on my own.  I am so greatly blessed to have the opportunity to spend such valuable time with my family each summer. I wish every woman had a group of "sisters" to refresh and renew them like I do.
To you and your "sisters," may you find strength and laughter in one another!

Just throwin' it out there!

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